Inscriptionform Wintertraining Schakel JavaScript in je browser in om dit formulier in te vullen.Name *VoornaamAchternaamEmail *Telephone, preferably mobile number *Birth date (year of birth is sufficient as well) *Address *Address Line 1CityState / Province / RegionPostal CodeContactperson + telephonenumber in case of emergency during your stay in the DojoWintertraining 27 - 31 december 2024Full price - 475,00 €Youngsterprice (under 30 years) - 380,00 €Early bird (upto 15 november) - 430,00 €Total Amount0,00 €It is good for you to know the following about my actual physical and mental condition *More *I'd like to be informed of Okido Yoga Dojo activities through the newsletter (in Dutch)I have read the terms and conditions on the websiteA last remark (optional)Verstuur